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Submit Rules:

Thank you for submitting to PSDreams. If your submission is accepted we'll make sure that your file is nicely presented and properly linked to your website.

Note that for the sake of this site's quality we check all submitted PSDs so make sure that your file meets our requirements. We accept only layered Photoshop files that are visually or functionally appealing. Please make sure that you don't upload works based on tutorials, files that contain logos or other protected trademarks, files that contain nudity, violence or that are obscene or offensive.

You must have the rights to license the items you upload.

Make sure that PSD file that you upload do not infringe on any copyright, property right, trademark or any other applicable right.

Submit PSD files:

A comma-separated list of tags.
Describe your PSD file.
Select image Change Remove
A large preview of your PSD (width must be minimum 730px - jpg, png or gif - maximum size is 1MB)
Select image Change Remove
A thumbnail of your PSD graphics (must be 336px width and 280px height - jpg, png or gif - maximum size is 100KB)
Select file Change Remove
Your PSD file must be archived in .zip format.